Bay Area Crime & Intelligence Analyst Association

Constitution & By-Laws

August 2019 



The name of the association shall be the Bay Area Crime and Intelligence Analysts

Association (herein also referred to as “BACIAA”).


The purpose of the Bay Area Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association is to provide a regional organization for law enforcement analysts to: improve the efficacy of analyst roles, enhance professional growth & development, and to facilitate cross‐jurisdictional communication through training, technological exploration, and the sharing of information.

A. SCOPE: The Association's intended primary activities are:

1. To exchange regional criminal activity information (e.g. crime trends, suspect information, known offenders, career criminals).

2. To create, for the membership, a learning environment that enhances their knowledge of crime and intelligence analysis techniques, appraises them on new innovations in analysis, including new technology, and encourages the sharing of membership expertise to the betterment of law enforcement and the professionalism of the members.

3. To encourage networking among the other crime analysts and law enforcement professionals in the field of crime and intelligence analysis.


1. To encourage professional recognition of the field of crime and intelligence analysis and to enhance its development and implementation as a law enforcement resource.


1. To establish an organization that is capable of providing resources needed to accomplish our stated goals

2. To establish regular meetings that facilitate the exchange of information for members.

3. To provide training opportunities, including speakers and professional development opportunities.



A. Active Agencies:  Any law enforcement agency that has paid the yearly membership fee to the Bay

Area Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association will be defined as an active agency during that calendar year.

B. Members: The Bay Area Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association will be comprised of the following:

1. General Members:  Law enforcement professionals involved or working for a federal, state, county or city law enforcement agency may join. General members may hold office and otherwise participate in all activities and privileges of the Association. General members are encouraged to take an active part in the Association.

2. Associate Members:  Professionals in education, criminal justice or other fields that work closely with law enforcement personnel in the field of crime or intelligence analysis. Associate members are non‐voting members and shall not hold elective office. They are entitled to all other rights and privileges of the association; but, may be excluded from a meeting, trainings, information sharing or portions thereof due to law enforcement confidentiality.

3. Student Members:  Students actively taking courses in a Crime Analysis Certification program and/or completing an intern program. This includes paid, volunteer and intern positions. Student members are non‐voting members and shall not hold elective office. They are entitled

to all other rights and privileges of the association; but, may be excluded from a meeting, trainings, information sharing or portions thereof due to law enforcement confidentiality.

C. International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA)/California Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association (CCIAA) Memberships: Active Members as of Jan 31st of each year will also receive 1 year membership with the International Association of Crime Analysts (herein also referred to as “IACA”) and the California Crime & Intelligence Analysts Association (herein also referred to as “CCIAA”), under the terms of the BACIAA group membership.


Voting rights shall be accomplished according to the following: each General Member will be accorded one (1) vote. Voting shall be completed by one of the following methods: electronic vote, voice vote (aye or nay), by a show of hands, or by secret ballot if deemed necessary in matters of election, or whenever deemed necessary by the Executive Board.


All rights for levying assessments and dues shall rest with BACIAA. Any sums paid from BACIAA accounts other than those made for the general business operation within the guidelines established by the board of directors shall be disbursed only upon the approval of the Executive Board or a majority vote of the membership, when appropriate.

The dues amount will be determined by the Executive Board and approved by a simple majority of General membership. The annual membership fee will be due and payable in November. Individuals or agencies joining the Association during, or after July, will be assessed half the annual membership fee.

All assessments will be defined in Attachment A of these By‐Laws. Attachment A may be modified and voted upon without affecting other attachments or the main body of these By‐Laws.


Regional meetings shall consist of:

  • A.      A segment in which members may participate in sharing and discussing criminal activity (e.g. crime trends, suspect information, known offenders, career criminals).
  • B.      A segment dedicated for Association business. The amount of time allocated will be determined by the Executive Board in association with the host agency.
  • C.      Optionally, a guest speaker or a training session relevant to Crime Analysis as determined by the hosting agency in collaboration with the Executive Board.

Regional meetings may be facilitated, hosted and/or attended by a general member in good standing.  Due to the potential confidential nature of the information that may be discussed Associate and Student members need to seek approval in advance from the Executive Board, or a regional representative as established by the President prior to attending.


An annual state conference will be held in the last half of each year. Our Association will host this conference on a rotating basis based upon a schedule mutually agreed upon by BACIAA and the other regional Associations which collectively comprise the CCIAA. The content and planning of this conference will be established by the Standing conference Committees.



The Executive Board will be comprised of the elected officers of the Association, the Chairperson of each standing committee, and the immediate past President of the Association. The current President shall preside at the Board meetings. The Executive Board will be responsible for the administrative decisions for the Association and will meet at least once every month to discuss association business, unless deemed unnecessary by the President and a majority of the Board. The Executive Board will formulate the plans and policies of the Association and provide administrative leadership. The newly elected President shall host the first meeting of the year at the location of their choice with members of the Executive Board. At this meeting, an outline and goals for the upcoming year shall be determined and then shared with the general membership through meeting notes.  This will include a plan for facilitating regional meetings based upon the geographical distribution of members and their need/desire to meet.


The officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office for the President, Vice President and Secretary shall be for two years commencing on the first day of January of every other year. The Treasurer shall also serve a term of two years, and will be elected during alternate years from the rest of the Executive Board. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms of office. The President shall appoint a three (3) person Special Nominating Committee in September to assist in the identification of interested candidates and to present a slate of nominees. Nominations may also be submitted to the floor during the October meeting.

Nominations will be held in October with the election in November. The new officers shall be installed in January.

A. PRESIDENT:  The President of the Association shall preside at the monthly Association meetings and be responsible for preparing an agenda for each meeting. The President shall also officially represent the Association at any function and act as a spokesperson for the Association.

B. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice‐President shall assume the duties of the President when the President is unavailable. The Vice President is responsible for the identification of training needs, instructional resources and assist the agency hosting the Association monthly meeting with the preparation of the best possible programs. The Vice President and at least one other Association member shall comprise the Training Committee.

C. SECRETARY: The Secretary will be responsible for the accurate recording and timely dissemination of minutes of monthly and Board meetings. Whenever possible, notices, minutes, announcements and other documents will be sent to each member electronically.

D. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate and detailed records of accounts and expenditures in accordance with guidelines established by the Executive Board. The treasurer shall establish and maintain a checking account for the Association; as well as, file all appropriate and necessary forms annually to maintain the Association tax‐exempt‐status. The treasurer shall report on the Association's financial standing and provide supporting documentation at the monthly Executive Board meetings. This information shall be made available to all members via the meeting minutes

The President shall fill vacancies occurring during the term of office of any officer of the Association through appointment.



The President shall be responsible for the appointment of chairperson(s) for the standing committees and for ensuring maximum participation from the membership in these roles. The chairperson(s) of these standing committees shall also be members of the Executive Board and shall participate in Executive Board management. The chairperson of each standing committee shall be dismissed from that position on December 31st of each year, unless reappointed by the President. Each standing committee shall meet at least once each quarter to formulate plans, discuss activities or devise policies. If members are unwilling, or unable, to participate in standing committees the responsibility will default to the Executive Board. Standing committees shall be created for:

A. Recruitment and Membership

This committee of one to five members shall assist in the recruitment of new members, retention of current members, formulation of recruitment plans and assisting in the welcoming and orientation of new members.

B. By‐Laws Review and Audit

This committee of one to three members shall review and revise the By‐Laws as the needs of the Association change; as well as, conduct a yearly audit to validate the bookkeeping records of the Secretary and Treasurer. The committee will assist the Treasurer in establishing good accounting procedures and ensure that the records are kept in good order.

C. Conference

This committee of one to twenty members shall be responsible for organizing and producing the annual state conference when BACIAA is in rotation to host. Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to: arranging the location, speakers, publicity vendors, equipment and facilities. The Treasurer will assist the committee and maintain complete financial records for the conference.

D. Legislative

This committee of one to five members shall review and evaluate proposed legislation. The committee will provide information on pertinent legislation to Association members and coordinate efforts of the Association in attempts to influence the course of pending legislation or as needed by the Executive Board.

E. Technical

This committee of one to three members shall provide sources of information and advice on computer systems, technical advancements, computer software, legal updates, and vendors.

F. Training

The Vice President shall chair this committee, as per Article III, Section 2B. The Vice President may select one other Association member to serve with them. The purpose of this committee will be to identify training needs and to coordinate resources to facilitate the appropriate training.


The President may create one or more special committees of one to five members. These special committees may be used to address topics or problems not covered by a standing committee. The chairperson of a special committee is not a member of the Executive Board.


Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority of all meetings of the

Association, its Boards and its Committees.


The Association shall select and approve an emblem or logo to be used as the symbol of the

Association and it shall appear on the letterhead and the official documents of the Association.


A. Each new or current analyst shall be charged $60.00 in November of each year.

B. Each new, or current active agency shall be assessed a fee of $200 per agency plus $25 per member in November of each year.

C. Each new active agency or individual joining the Association between July 1st and October 31st of that year shall be assessed half the annual membership fee of $30.00 for individual analysts; or the agency rate of $100 plus $15.00 per member.


The Conference Committee shall be responsible for setting the per person fee for attending the yearly conference.


All fees not covered by this Attachment shall be determined by the Association Officers.

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